Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Reconstrução! De casa; de um monte; de um projecto; de um percurso; de uma carreira!

Friday, February 24, 2012

Nesta canção Zeca despede-se. E fá-lo a cantar deste modo comovente e arrebatador. O poema convida-nos a entrar numa comunhão panteísta com ele, connosco e com as fontes, as oliveiras que testemunham a nossa passagem sem se emudecerem.... Meus amigos ..... ZECA AFONSO compôs,  escreveu e cantou a nossa intima voz.
Today I finished reading Martin Amis's " Yellow Dog". Four entangled novels; the characters establish connections among the four stories.  Noone gets out safe and sound. Monarchy; family life; generations interference; marriage; parenthood; fatal attractions...

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Saturday, July 18, 2009

High schools not ready for technololgy

My current high school has asked me to stop using the computer lab and only work in the traditional classroom. I am not going to stop using technology. Starting September 1st, my students and I will only be connecting from home. I may be able to get a few computer classes to get the students started but that's all. I guess I am lucky that I am very experienced so I can manage such a program, but some schools are just not ready to accept technology. Am I alone in believing that technology can facilitate and improve the quality of instruction and learning in the K-12 setting?